Thursday 15 December 2016

Me and technologies for lack of a better name

Me and technologies, well I don’t even know where to start. Me and technologies have a very love hate relationship. I feel in general, technologies are the most useless, but also, the most useful stuff there is.  And I know that don’t make a lick of sense but I’ll explain what I mean. While technologies have been supposedly meant to bring us closer together I feel they have really made a lot of the world further apart. the spilt in groups on social medias are extremely bad, and they can be extremely ignorant and mean to one another. I know that there’s always been splits in demographics of people, but the splits have never been so aggressive in such numbers to one another with such ease to be aggressive and spread hate. Example that bullying is way worse now because of the ease of social media, that shouldn’t be happening on a thing that is meant to bring people “closer together”. Not only does it do that but it also makes face to face interactions seem less common. Peoples communication skills are beginning to lack in face to face situations, reading body posture and facial emotions and even looking into people’s eyes while talking are effected after long periods of use of communication being done on social medias. I also don’t see near as many kids out in groups walking down the road doing stuff outside, then when I was a kid and up to late middle school. Like me and the “bys” would be out doing “kid/early teenage” stuff all the time like riding a bike, walking to go hang out somewhere, playing burnt games like “red ass”. I believe it was called that anyways, the game consisted of finding a wall, having a tennis ball and 4+ people. The person would whip the tennis ball off the wall from like over 25 feet away and when it bounced back the two closest people too it would try to catch it, if it was caught, the person who threw it had to go up to the wall and risk getting hit with the ball, if it was dropped by someone who attempted to catch it, that person had to go up by the wall and the ball would be whipped at him (which wasn’t the nicest feeling in the back, when someone gets a good baseball pitch off) the only way no one went up to the wall was if it was a fumble and then it had to be thrown from wherever it was retrieved from, and if it didn’t hit the wall guess what, sucks to be you, your up to the wall again. Oh, man the welts from that game. The moral of this whole story is you can’t put the name of a game called “Red ass” in a story and not tell what it is, and also that kids now a day I feel don’t have these messed up kid memories. Outside of gym class I don’t see many people around my way doing activities anymore no matter how stupidly fun they are. Exactly how they bring us together is beyond me.  The technologies have brought us much closer together worldwide in accessibility, but also by doing that it has made the world seem smaller.  If I want to be in a Moscow Russia street view, I can go straight to google and see it from there, the adventure of seeing the world has completely been taking out by the world- wide web. I grew up also being told, don’t believe everything you read on the internet, that somewhere along the way lines changed. Now everyone believes everything they read when the content is all payed for, it is almost impossible to get an un-bias story, not filtered in some way. That’s my feeling of the world since the boom in technology anyways.  But mean while don’t get me wrong all these negatives have their positives to, like technologies allows you a much more variety of information and ways of getting information. It allows you to make tasks simpler and more efficient to do, in to confined little items. A piece of technology I love is my phone for the remuda app for my guitar amp it allows me access to a bunch of different amp sounds and filters stomps etc.  So, instead of having to buy a whole variety of different amps and pedals I just have it all on my phone.  To control my amp, I plug my chord into my actual amp and it changes it to that setting. My phone also allows me to get a hold of people when I need them or just talk or hang out. It allows me to schedule and so much more. But then here comes the love hate part I said earlier, most of the time its doing stupid shit that makes no sense like turning off for no reason, glitching out not responding and I’m all like “dude you’re a new phone what the F@#$” nothing that expensive and that “up to date” should work in such a shitty fashion. Example in the beginning of this term my S5 which held all my stuff for everything, just decided to update and die on me, it is to this day in a constant boot loop and wont stay on it makes no sense, nothing was ever done to it. It just decided its time was up and it wasn’t going to work no more. Which was great I lost a lot of slides I took pictures of, old photos and everything else on it. Then I got a tablet to replace the phone, it was fine for the first little bit but that tablet just hates me as well. It does its job on working but barely, its unreasonable “laggy” and constantly also doing stuff on its own, I got a keyboard for it because you know I figured it was better than the out of date computers, that we got, they are also extremely slow and “laggy” as well but about 10x worse.  I could just do work on the tablet, right? Was my original thought when I got it?  Nope turned out to be the answer, when I typed up half of one of my blogs with the combo of tablet and the keyboard I had bought for it, it decided to delete it all via backspace style so I couldn’t get nothing back.  I Learned then and there that it couldn’t be trusted for work and plus it was super bad at properly picking up my fast typing that I do in hard concentration.  On top of that, it never connected properly so I brought the keyboard back to the store and got my money back. I was planning on doing the same with my tablet because it kept getting worse but one day a couple weeks ago, I hauled it out of my pocket and it had a dirty crack across the screen, so that plan quickly foiled. Like for something that makes things “easier” it causes a lot of stress too, like when I’m working and the internet is deciding to cut on and off, or I’m playing a game and its doing it.  Like if it all worked properly the way its attended to work it’d be fine but I find that’s never the case with technology. Most peaceful time in my life has been without a phone for sure and I’d sure like to have a while away from all technologies’, I might appreciate them more, but currently I see a lot of big major problems that need to be fixed. The only thing I feel I’m truly addicted to with technology is the access to music. I’d seriously die with out my music and an acoustic guitar only goes so far. The problems I see in current technology is, some of it can be fixed and some of it is a hard thing to do like the bullying will never stop unless we start living in a perfect world, and the splits aren’t going to come together anytime soon, with more hate being spread around then love on social media (from what I see on it anyways) how is it. these things need to be used for what there attended for, bringing people closer together and making daily life less stressful and less difficult. If they do these seemingly simple aspects, they wouldn’t be a useless, useful object in my opinion. Like its very useful I can’t disagree with it, but with the current problems that arise around my time with technology and what I see with it, it got a lot of work still left to do in a lot of areas before I see it being solidly useful. And it honestly also needs to stop consuming the user’s life.  When you think about it, seriously how much time a day do you spend away from technology. Its truthfully not much time in the general aspect of things. Even when your driving there’s a radio, if your home watching something its a television or phone or computer. Even running, people use head phones so the activity you’d think takes the least technology there’s still some sort of it used. I’m going to try to have days where its living my life out side of technology like how humans originally lived like 100 years ago, just doing natural stuff. I feel the break is necessary cause with all this technology I feel we lose a bit of the soul inside, we don’t connect right to one another, and nature and the art to life are being ignored by so many. Life’s beautiful and I don’t need to see pictures or have some star/trend tell me that life is beautiful either.  To know that I can go outside the door and look at the views admire the smells and sounds and feel the realness, the sensation that is life and nature mixed all up in one.

Friday 2 December 2016

Holiday Plans

Holiday Plans:

   Where do I even start? The first official plan of my holidays is purchasing my new guitar at Long and Mcquade and waiting then for it to come in. The guitar I’m getting is a pro jet gold top Gretsch as stated in my last blog. I have a pile up of songs that I want to learn how to play on guitar and they have seemed to keep piling up. A vast variety of songs mind you too everything from Country to Rock/Grunge. A few examples would be songs such as “Blood Mary Morning” and “Lonesome On’ry an Mean” and “I’d Love to Lay You Down” would consist of some of the Country songs that have piled up, most of the other country songs that have piled up consisted of being Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Conway Twitty. Joining it would be other songs such as “State of love and Trust”, “Heart Shaped Box”, “Funk 49”, “Maggie McGill”, “New Orleans Is sinking” and like I don’t even know how many more rock songs there is, I like learning a variety of rock. This will probably be my nightly ritual when I get off, learning multitudes of different styles focusing mostly on rhythm.

  Next move on this holiday checklist is probably a nice long stress free drive with my girlfriend. Looking at some of the scenic views of Christmas in Newfoundland really takes the stress of assignments and exams off my shoulders. Warm car, chill tunes and a whole bunch of Christmas spirit, what can be better? I know exactly what your thinking and I’m thinking it to. A nice holiday stop to my local liquor store for some extra holiday “spirit”, preferably Brandy or Whiskey. There more than likely will be a night over the holidays which I wont remember, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. New years is sure to be a time within itself, it always is with my family. Drinks, Music and good laughs remising on days that past along with you know, the shooting off of the occasional firework.

  A few days over the Holidays, me and my girlfriend are going to go out to Bowring Park for a walk and I’ll probably ask one of my friends to tag along too. Me and my girlfriend enjoy going for walks, especially during the winter when the park would look so beautiful. We haven’t had much time to do much activities such as walking since summer break so we’re sure to get a fair bit done. We will go for a walk out to Bowring Park most likely, and probably other areas such as George Cove Mountain and the Bluff

(bluff as shown in picture)

and maybe even Cape Spear and other locations in the surrounding areas. I’m completely sure we always just spontaneously do walks. If we get much snow, we may go sliding on the hill across the road from my house or at Bowring Park. I haven’t been sliding in years. The last time I must have been in elementary, so that is definitely long over due.

  A bike ride is also in order on the holiday break, again something that hasn’t been done since summer break. Last time Kendra and I went out on the bikes, we were with a couple of my buddies and it was a time. Me and my buddy Dwayne have after finding some wicked spots along the track past Holyrood two summers ago.

(somewhere between Holyrood and Brigus Junction on the track)

This summer, I revisited them with Kendra and they’re just beautiful locations and always will be, a resting beauty of nature that just shouldn’t be disturbed. I’ve never been there in the winter so I can only imagine how lovely they look at that time of year.

  I have been told I have gift cards coming my way for a supper and movie for Christmas, so it looks like Kendra and I may be going to see a movie over the holidays as well. I’m not too sure on what movie we’ll be going to see. I haven’t really looked into that because I like to choose once I’m out there. The only movie I even know that’s coming out at that time, I believe, is the Assassin’s Creed One which looks intriguing but I don’t know about it. I certainly do know where I’m going to for supper which is Boston pizza. I can’t speak for Kendra on what she’s getting but I already know what I’m getting. A nice rack of ribs with Jack Daniel’s sauce over them, a side of vegetables which I wont eat because they have the texture of rocks, some extremely mouth-watering mashed potatoes with a slice of garlic bread; washed down by some Mountain Dew or Pepsi depending on the mood of the day. After and before our movie, I’d say we ,more than likely, will do some window shopping or actual shopping of which I get some more clothes and guitar straps and other such things I need and want.

  Most important out of all the things I’m doing this Holiday season is just plainly spending time with my close friends and family. The first person I have to stop by to visit has to be our family’s life-long friend Brophy, who I don’t get to see or talk to near as much as I’d like to. Growing up, he was always around while my pop was alive. He would come over and play cards with me and my nan and later years my sister and brother. He talks about the old days and would generally be a guy of wisdom in my belief about him and my pop. Talking to him reminds me of a simpler day when things weren’t complicated so he’ll definitely be seen a couple times. I’ll be stopping by my uncles to say hello to him and his wife I do imagine and also I’ll be up to my mom’s quite a bit to play pool and other such things, hanging out with my sister and brother and relaxing with all of them. And while all of this is happening I’m going to be spending a stress-free holiday with my nan. I have a lot to show her I’m grateful for this year and a lot of thanks I have to give her for ,quite frankly, putting up with my shit. All this will be spent with Kendra and there’s really nothing more I can truthfully ask for. Thanks for reading, These are my holiday plans.

Friday 25 November 2016

New guitar story

Music and I!:

Anyone that has known me for a while could tell you I have an unbelievable love for music, and that I’ve been trying to get into all styles of music to get some sort of knowledge or experience from it. I like some styles more than others obviously and then again some styles I don’t like at all, but the attempt to like it was always there. I like to go through everything about the way the music I’m listening to was made, from the thoughts in mind of the guitarist to the back story of the song. My favorite types of music in no particular order would be Rock of all kinds especially alternative and 90’s, Soul, Funk, Blues, Outlaw Country and “Wedding Music” Country (Conway Twitty, George Jones, etc.), Classical and Rap. Music I absolutely can’t stand, it would have to be stuff like Electro music, Dubstep, Screamo, and that nasally sounding Country music and New age/Pop Country.  It’s not that I haven’t tried to get into these styles, because a lot of people have tried to get me into it and I have tried to get into it myself, it’s just no way shape or form something I care too listen too or get into.

Now with all this being said, this isn’t about music and what I care for or what I think of certain types of music. No this is about my everlasting story of what guitar am I going to buy, and how I got to that choice in making my final decision. As people know who have been talking to me for the last couple months I’ve been eyeing out a new guitar, since my old knock off Les Paul broke. It’s not the type of broke that can’t be fixed, it’s actually a relevantly easy fix, I just don’t know if I want to do it, and I feel as though it’s time to get a new one because I want just a better-quality guitar. Other than that, Les Paul, I have two other guitars and a ukulele. The two other guitars consist of a Gretsch G5120 hollow body electric 

 and an Epi acoustic, the Epi has also seen better days and I’ve been spotting out a new acoustic while in my searches for a new electric as well. Which I’ll briefly touch on later.

When it comes to guitar, I must have picked up my first guitar by the age of five if not before, but I never started taking guitar lessons until grade two or so. I use to like to just strum the guitar I guess and pretend I was Waylon Jennings doing the Dukes of Hazzard Theme song with the cowboy boots and hat on. I never owned an actual real full sized guitar till grade two on my birthday when I got an Epi acoustic guitar that was almost, if not the same height I was.   Shortly after that, once I become big enough to actually play that guitar I signed up for guitar lessons.  We all know how that goes it was the beginner stuff, rhythm, strumming, reading tab, reading notes, basic songs and chords. Then came along the Metallica book, oh how much I hated that damn book as the years went by.  It was actually two of them put together it was pretty well one big book of all of Metallica’s well known songs such as One, Seek & Destroy, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Master of Puppets and so many more. It started off well, and finally I got away from that boring beginners stuff that burned the fun out of guitar and on to something I actually liked to do or so I thought. I learned pretty well the whole book expect for a few solos, this was probably by grade four or five now. I chilled playing the metal for a bit, playing songs in the same genre as Metallica for the following year or so, I don’t really remember how long exactly. But then the long hair faze I got into started. I started listening to actual rock bands again, going back into my deeply rooted love for rock and all its different sides. Returning to listening and trying to play bands such as Guns N’ Roses, Steve Miller Band, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam and CCR. I started trying to distance myself from metal cause by that point I was sick of it. Around this time, I acquired two Red Hot Chili Peppers books and a couple Gun N’ Roses books.  Everything else I had music note wise was from the world-wide web. Also at this time I acquired a nice cheap Univax knock off Les Paul and amp (too which only broke this year for its first time). Now if I was only too get taught the stuff I wanted to be taught. It seemed harder than expected, after months of arguing that I’m done with metal and getting non-stop taught it, I quit and said to hell with those guitar lessons.  From there on, I pretty well forgot most of the metal I had known (I still can play it I just have to remember the notes again).  I then started self-teaching myself the stuff I wanted to learn, which is all the stuff I know now pretty well. That went on for years, then grade 10 came and I joined music class in high school. The class entailed that you play an instrument learning songs for 10 class days then reciting them in front of the class. Then the other half was theories etc.  It was During this time around Christmas, that my Nan bought me a wicked Gretsch G5120 with a Fender Mustand II amp to go along with it. After that year, I started exploring into rap and all of that fun stuff, leaving guitar and rock for a bit.  About a couple months before I started post-secondary, I got back into playing.  For months, I had in mind of getting a new guitar, but I didn’t know what one I would like to get. Shortly after my decision was made, a part of the head stock broke on the Les Paul, it was time to get a new guitar.

Out with the new and in with the new!:

The start of my search was on, I wanted a new guitar and I was committed to getting one. The money was starting to get saved up, but mean while I still had not the clue of what I wanted. I started it looking into Les Paul’s but the love I once had for them wasn’t enough to justify saving up over 2,500 for ones that I liked so they were out of the picture. I stayed looking into Gibson’s (not SG’s in all honesty I don’t like them), looking into their ES series. But that wasn’t what I wanted either I already had a hollow body Gretsch that was fine, so those guitars where off the list as well.  Finally, I came across a Firebird and played one, I thought to myself I have a contender for a reasonable price.

Next thing I started looking into was a few Fenders and I wasn’t really looking for a Stratocaster.  I don’t know why; it was just not what I wanted at this time. Next up was the Mustang series, but the short neck of the guitar just wasn’t what I wanted either. Next thing was the Jazz master I liked this one a bit, but there was just something about it again I didn’t like. So, that was off the list. Which left me between the Telecaster which I had been seriously thinking about buying and the Fender Jaguar special HH series which again I was seriously thinking about buying. So here I am at an impasse.  After playing both guitars, I liked both the same. I like the versatility of the Jaguar and Its feel, but I also like the classic style of the telecaster as well as its feel. So, after all this looking I was now stuck for weeks on which one I was going to get the Tele or the Jag.

 I looked at a few Ibanez’s and other brands but none of them got to my list. Until a completely new epitome happened to me in the shape of a solid body Gretsch. Up to that point, I forgot that Gretsch had the pro jet series. Though the pro jets are chamber, they don’t have the “F” holes in them, making them what I would qualify as not a complete hollow body guitar. This chamber gives the guitar its own distinct sound and it kind of even has a sort of Les Paul look to it, and after owning one Gretsch for a while and loving it I definitely had to give it a try. So, I finally saw one and gave it a try and it just felt right and I instantly fell in love with it. That familiar feeling of playing a gretsch on a solid type body had me sold right away plus I could get it gold-top, which is my favorite color scheme on everything. To top all of it off, the guitar is only about 700 compared to the other guitars I was thinking of buying which cost around 1500. This budget opened up some more room for another acoustic guitar that I wanted to get which is a 12&6 string Gretsch Rancher White Falcon, but I won’t be getting that until around my birthday in May. So, after all that being said, my decision was made on an electric guitar, it’s going to be a Gretsch Pro Jet Electromatic Gold-Top.

 I’m getting it without a second question about it. Now, it’s just to complete the saving process which is almost done.  So, it looks like just before Christmas I get to buy myself a guitar which is going to be rad!  Anyways, this is my decision.  The guitar I’m about to buy and my past with playing guitars.  Thanks for reading!

Friday 18 November 2016


Snapchat the story what is it?  Where did it come from?:

  Snapchat is probably one of my most used and favorite apps that’s has ever been put out on the market. Snapchat got its start back in 2011- 2012 by creators Evan Spiegel, and Bobby Murphy.  started off as an idea of “Picaboo” a “selfie app” where users could send self deleting pictures of real time events that are going on around them with a viewing length of 10 seconds, this app was brought out in around July 2011 on IOS. Then came back out remastered under a different project, of the name “Snapchat” two months later.

  Snapchat started off just being able to send picture messages called “Snaps” then their next move in December 2012 they added the abilities of sending 10 second videos confined to the same file size as a picture to make it easy and accessible to send and receive videos live and in real time. Snapchat improved in 2013 when they did an overall update of the app.  In general, this update included speed and design enhancements such as swipe navigation, improved friend finder and double tap to reply features.  Then shortly after the feature of “snap stories” became a thing, Snap stories allowed users to take there ten second post (pictures, videos) and compile them all into 24 hour chronological storylines for everyone who is following them to be able to see. Around 2015, they added a feature so that you can reply over there snap on their story. Such things as live stories and feeds were created and added as well to the app so that business could live stream events that were taking place such as concerts and shows. These live stories also take other random users snaps that are sent to the live stories feed to show their experiences with the event, a great way to show all aspects of the event from the creators of it to the audience.

  Then in 2014 they made it possible to video chat/call on the app along with direct messaging (text) so not only could you use this app to send quick pictures and videos, you could now use it for those such things. Which meant you didn’t need to use Facebook messenger or Skype anymore to do these things. Then sometime in between this update and the major new one in September 2016 they made it capable for companies such as BuzzFeed, IGN, Daily Mail too post their articles such as “top ten this” and just general native advertisements and click bait blogs along with new products, etc. These advertisements are estimated to be 500,000 to 1,000,000 times a day.

  Then in September of this year there most recent update to the app, they added there first hardware gadget a pair of glasses that have a built-in camera that allows users to take snaps right from their own spectacles and post them to their snap chat. Snapchat has a whole variety of features that I still haven’t touched on such as “Lens” that’s allows you to put a live filter over your face using face detection,

 and “memories” which allows the users to save his own snaps that he/she has taken. Snapchat published stats in May of 2015 saying there where 2 billion videos sent by users a day and of may 2016 Snapchat Raised 1.81 billion in equity offering and achieved almost 10 million daily active users in the U.K alone. Snapchat is very popular with the millennials and the generation before them but has also recently started catching on with even older users who have cell phones.

My Snap Story:

As I said in the opening paragraph Snapchat is one of my favorite social media apps, I personally love the app and I’ve pretty well had it since it came out, getting it around late 2012 early 2013. I’ve seen what the app used to be, to what they have turned it into. The app has so many strengths when it comes to social media, its literally almost at this point a one stop shop app where you can pretty much do anything on it. Even Instagram has recently taken on the way Snapchat has their “stories” done out. You can go on Snapchat now and call, facetime, message, or snap people and if you don’t want to do that you can go on it and take pictures with one of their many filters and save it to your memories or post it as a story, and if you feel like reading an article you just swipe over right and Discover gives you a bunch of different articles to read.

  There’s so much when it comes to Discover giving a whole new aspect to Snapchat completely, users can now answer surveys read articles post in live story feeds and even find new products and give live real time thoughts to these companies about what they think. Snapchat is a great way to keep up with people and meet and start talking to new people because you can actually send your emotions and tone through video unlike text. Snapchats real time 24-hour time frame aspect makes it really engaging to users, content on Snapchat will only be up for 24-hours unless user delete it, making users always having to check there Snapchats for the most recent news and updates. Seeing how engaging Snapchat is, a lot of big named people have gotten their own verified Snapchat accounts where they can post story’s an engage with the everyday user, and us the everyday user get to take a look inside the life of the people we look up to making us feel a little closer to them. Some of these people are really good with this app and creating good client based relationships, my buddy who has been into rapping for years has got a few people he likes to listen to on his Snapchat and he’s after sending them snaps of him rapping or asking a question and these people actually message him back and answer him and his questions and or send him a rap back or tell him to keep up the good work with his own raps. These people in this case I’m referring to would be Necro, Sha Mula, Chase Benji, Anilsyt, many more do it but these are just the people I’ve witnessed with my own two eyes doing it.

 This app has been looked at by a lot as a sexting app but truthfully only 15% of people who report using this app say that they’ve ever used it for sexual purposes, most people that use this app use it for what it’s meant for to take stupid selfie photos and catch 10 second snap shots of their daily lives and put it up for others to see. Whenever I was using Snapchat or anyone of the “bys” I was around we’d mostly be using it to pretty much mess with each other. It was an everyday challenge of who was going to get one of the slyest and embarrassing photo on their Snapchat story, all in good fun never taking it way too far. But those days are over.  Now a days I use it to follow people I used to go to high school with to see where their lives are taking them. I also use it like my friends to follow celebs and business people to get insight and pointers from them and also just to see what it’s like in their daily lives. Snapchat does have some problems like the cyberbullying and the creep aspect to it, but all social media plat forms have that. Another problem being that they sort of lied in the beginning that the snap just disappears to never come back. They’ve also put out some really dumb and unsafe filters out for use such as the filter that allowed users to track how fast they are going causing a few car accidents with people using the app. But other than that, this app to me is a good thing and a revolutionary platform in which social media will be copying for a while.

Friday 11 November 2016


Twitter: what is it?:

     Twitter is an online news and social networking site where users post and read short 140 character messages called "tweets". Registered users can post and read tweets, but those who are unregistered can only read them if users don’t have their settings set on private. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS or mobile app. Twitter got their start in 2006 and really took hold by 2012-2013. Right now, Twitter is one of the top used apps and social media platforms. The statistics of Twitter stated off are:

·         Total number of registered Twitter users: 695,750,000
·         Total number of active Twitter users: 342,000,000
·         Number of new Twitter users signing up everyday: 135,000
·         Average number of tweets per day: 58 million
·         Number of Twitter search engine queries every day: 2.1 billion
·         Percent of Twitter users who use their phone to tweet: 43 %
·         Percent of tweets that come from third party applicants: 60%
·         Number of active Twitter users every month: 115 million
·         Percent of Twitters who don’t tweet but watch other people tweet: 40%
·         Number of days it takes for 1 billion tweets: 5 days
·         Number of tweets that happen every second: 9,100

     Twitter has its pros, for example: its easy to use. It takes only a minute to tweet and get your thoughts and ideas out into the twitter universe; if a business is using it, it’s a great way to get their brand recognition; It also allows you better access to looking into what celebrities and other big name people are doing. But twitter also has its cons as well, for instance the simple lack of space in tweets. You can only put 140 characters into each message, and when directing a message towards someone, you can only direct it to one person at a time. If you don’t know the analytics, a lot of tweets that you post can get buried in seconds and posts are not private so anyone can comment and start a riot.

#Twitter and #I:

     I’ve seen Twitter used by many of my peers throughout the years. It never really caught on with me while I was in junior high or in high school like it did with most of my class mates. While I was in school, I was mostly only seeing it used by the school to give status updates for things like snow days, PD days, etc. While my friends used it to pretty well to follow trends, celebrities, and people of interest (which I could already do with my Facebook and Instagram). When they actually posted things, it would more than likely just be their status updates they used to be doing on Facebook. When it first started up before it became mostly sharing stories/pictures site, the stuff people were posting was just stuff I didn’t care for or want to see or read about for example, “gone drinking wtb’s going to be a night”, “shopping with the fam this is so boring hml” and sometimes it can be kind of comical such as “wonder how many people I called last night between the hours of 2:30-4 that seen my name an went f*** that guy”. 

     For the most part back then, I only saw Twitter as a “talk-shit website” where people literally do most of there shit talking and bullying on Twitter.  My opinion in the past of Twitter would have been that it’s a horrible platform, almost as bad as for being able to harass and do nothing about it or worse you actually know the person and it could escalate into a physical fight. That’s not even saying what celebrities and other significant figures have to put up with on this site. Most of the tweets towards celebrities are ruthless and absolutely uncalled for but sometimes it is sensible, but the way that the person responds to the tweet is vital.

     After actually using this app to some extent this week, I can see my self continuing to use it but not as one of my main apps, not because it’s a bad app or anything. The way I used to find it in high school is no longer the way I find it now even though the app didn’t significantly change the atmosphere so I actually find it a lot more pleasant to use. It’s just what I use my apps for currently, Twitter wouldn’t be the most interesting or convenient. I like to use Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook because I like to see the videos and long stories with archives of comments to talk to other people in and share. You can do that on twitter as well to some extent but the 140 characters is really limiting. When I do use it, I would certainly fall under the 40% that watch tweets but don’t tweet their selves as stated in the beginning.

  When Twitter gets #Rowdy:

    An example of someone who reacted to a tweet made about them badly would be Bardock Obama (Meme Twitter Page Admin) calling out and talking shit to Rapper/Musician Lupe Fiasco and him responding when he should have just left it.  Bardock called him out and it started a very long argument between the two with thousands of people tuning in also talking shit about Lupe with him still responding. Meanwhile all this publicity in this little stunt didn’t make Bardock look like a “dick” because Lupe got heated and responded to a Twitter troll. He should have left it alone because it showed his bad character and he actually lost a quite a few fans because of the stuff he was saying (this got deleted by Lupe in the following week after it happened).

     A nice few people can actually take this hate and these troll tweets and turn it around for them in a good way. A lot of famous people have gone on Jimmy Kimmel Live and done this segment called “Mean Tweets” where he gets them to read extremely mean tweets about them and record how they react to the tweets. Some people on it got offended and they retaliated back towards the tweet but others have completely turned it around and made it into a joke and showed a more loved and almost down to earth character. *Warning: Video is probably not what you would call appropriate*

Maybe it’s not that bad #Theturnaround:

     Since I’ve been out of high school and I’ve gotten into post-secondary, I’ve started to find more of a use for Twitter, whether its following some company I buy things from or have products of such as game companies to following a few friends that I haven’t seen since high school. I follow a user named @BlizzardCSS, a game company known for “World of War Craft” and a recent hit “Overwatch”, to get the latest information and news about updates, patches, how-to’s, or generally new and cool stuff they’re releasing. Clothing companies and local companies I follow also tweet updates on their twitter account so people can know what new deals they’re bringing in and new products they’re getting. I get live notifications if I want them as soon as the user posts them, keeping me up to date and involved in all the things they’re doing that I could be interested in. The hashtag system on Twitter works outstandingly well so finding any new information about a certain trend or anything really has become extremely easy. When using it as a business, this allows you to group your posts for certain groups. People will know exactly what hashtag to type to get your business page and tweets up. When the Fidget Cube started its online campaign, their use of their own hashtag really helped the product spread around the web using #Fidget Cube

     After actually using this app to some extent this week, I can see my self continuing to use it but not as one of my main apps, not because it’s a bad app or anything. The way I used to find it in high school is no longer the way I find it now even though the app didn’t significantly change the atmosphere so I actually find it a lot more pleasant to use. It’s just what I use my apps for currently, Twitter wouldn’t be the most interesting or convenient. I like to use Instagram, Snapchat and Facebook because I like to see the videos and long stories with archives of comments to talk to other people in and share. You can do that on twitter as well but I’d just rather the apps that I’m already used to. When I do use it, I would certainly fall under the 40% that watch tweets but don’t tweet their selves as stated in the beginning. So, if you want quick, up-to-date information and news about anything, then I definitely recommend Twitter for you.